
October 16, 2024

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The Collaboration Network Hosts Cancer Survivorship Research Roundtable

Connecting investigators to resources and potential collaborators is a need across the Cincinatti Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training (CCTST) partner institutions and the community. To address this need, the CCTST Center for Improvement Science core developed The Collaboration Network (TCN) to overcome geographical, institutional, and disciplinary barriers to connecting with colleagues with complementary interests. 


TCN is a growing group of investigators, educators, clinical providers and other innovators who meet once a month to learn about each other, available resources, and funding opportunities. Guests and experts frequently attend and provide information about a service or resource. For more information and to request TCN membership, please click here


Read the full article here.

Career-Development Program Receives $5.4 Million


Applications Open for 2025 MICHR PreDoc T32 Translational Science Program
