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NCATS News and Media

News and Media

Release Versions 1.17 and 1.18 of the New CCOS Public Website


CCOS website release versions 1.17 and 1.18 included updates to the CCOS database to improve CCOS workflows and processes, including user registration. These efforts included restructuring data tables housing hub, organization, and user data, updating APIs, and remediating data on the public website, including news articles and pods. 

LHS Collaborative Workshop Recordings Available


Meeting slides and recordings from the LHS Collaborative Workshop held in May are now available on the Agenda tab of the LHS Collaborative Workshop page

As a reminder, you must be logged in to the CCOS website to view these meeting materials. If you do not have a CCOS account yet, you can request one here

Save the Date: 2024 Fall CTSA Program Annual Meeting


The 2024 Fall CTSA Program Annual Meeting will be held November 13-15, 2024, in Rockville, MD. The theme for this year's meeting is Building CTSA Program Impact through Innovation, Collaboration, and Equity. 

Registration for the event opens August 12, but check out the Program Meeting page for additional information.

NCATS Strategic Plan Draft Now Available


NCATS has received more than 1,700 unique comments, engaged more than 1,150 individuals, and held nearly 45 formal meetings. Using feedback and insights from the community, a draft strategic plan is now available. Learn more about how to review the draft and send feedback here.

Release Version 1.16 of the New CCOS Public Website


The most recent CCOS website release features a new home for meetings and workshops on the Program Meetings and Collaborative Workshops page! This page is your one-stop shop to easily find past meeting materials and upcoming meeting information. To view a past meeting's slides, recordings, or other materials, navigate to that meeting's page and select the Agenda tab. As a reminder, a user account is required to view these materials. If you don't have an account yet, submit a user account request so you can access the full breadth of content on the CCOS website! 

Release Version 1.15 of the New CCOS Public Website


In the most recent website release, CCOS updated the process and user interface for the Working Group Proposal Steering Committee Review Form. Logged in Steering Committee members can access the Review Form from the Steering Committee page. The review period is May 1 to June 3, 2024, at 3 p.m. ET.

2024 Spring CTSA Program Annual Meeting Materials Available


CCOS is pleased to announce that meeting materials from the 2024 Spring CTSA Program Annual Meeting are now available on the CCOS website! Recordings, summaries, and presentation slides can be found in the Agenda section of the meeting page. Please note, you must be logged in to view the meeting materials. If you do not have a CCOS account yet, you can register for one here.

Release Version 1.14 of the New CCOS Public Website


CCOS is pleased to announce the most recent website release which features the new survey pages, where you can learn about how CCOS supports survey implementation for the CTSA program. In addition, CCOS has made some improvements to the user account request interface. As a reminder, a user account is needed to view certain content on the CCOS website – including group and committee meeting materials, completed survey reports, and materials from CTSA Program meetings. 

Registration for the Learning Health Systems Collaborative Workshop is Open


The Learning Health Systems (LHS) Collaborative Workshop is scheduled for May 22, 2024, at the Sangar Heart & Vascular Institute in Charlotte, North Carolina. The event will bring together CTSA Program professionals to meet collaborators and plan future action. This is a chance for CTSAs to understand LHS and help identify ways the CTSA can support LHS. Register for the upcoming Learning Health Systems Collaborative Workshop.

Registration for the CTSA Spring Program Meeting Closes March 15, 2024


Registration for the Spring Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada closes Friday March 15, 2024! Click here to learn more about the meeting, view the agenda, and register now.

Coordination, Communication, and Operations Support (CCOS) is funded by theNational Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health.

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