
September 19, 2024

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University of Washington ITHS Announces Winners of Pilot Funding to Accelerate Translational Science

University of Washington Institute of Translational Health Sciences (ITHS) is pleased to announce the winners of its Translational Science Acceleration Awards. Leaders of the awarded projects will receive pilot funding to support planning and development of approaches that aim to address significant roadblocks in clinical and translational research.


Project awardees:

  • Taran Gujral, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Human Biology Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Project Title: Bench-to-bedside: Using AI and Patient Tissues to Identify Personalized Therapies for Rare, Relapsed, and Refractory Cancers – $50,000
  • Ayokunle Olanrewaju, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Bioengineering, University of Washington, Project Title: User-centric Microfluidics for Decentralized Therapeutic Drug Monitoring – $50,000
  • Co-PIs: Kerryn Reding, Ph.D., M.P.H., R.N., Associate Professor, University of Washington; Weichao Yuwen, Ph.D., R.N., Associate Professor, University of Washington Tacoma; Maggie Ramirez, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Washington, Project Title: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion of Research Study Participants through Developing Linguistically and Culturally Tailored Virtual Study Assistants using Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) – $70,000…


Read the full article here.

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