Real World Data Workforce Development Across the Translational Spectrum


The Real World Data (RWD) Workforce Development Across the Translational Spectrum Working Group will create a RWD needs assessment, resource inventory, and design a generalizable competency framework. RWD topics are expected to include, but are not limited to, data collection and provenance, clinical data models, evaluation of bias in the data, and best practices and analytic approaches that support ethical research analytics using RWD (including AI and machine learning modeling) and clinical decision support tools. This Working Group will also establish a training community that fosters knowledge and training artifact exchange.

Real World Data Workforce Development Across the Translational Spectrum


The Real World Data (RWD) Workforce Development Across the Translational Spectrum Working Group will create a RWD needs assessment, resource inventory, and design a generalizable competency framework. RWD topics are expected to include, but are not limited to, data collection and provenance, clinical data models, evaluation of bias in the data, and best practices and analytic approaches that support ethical research analytics using RWD (including AI and machine learning modeling) and clinical decision support tools. This Working Group will also establish a training community that fosters knowledge and training artifact exchange.

Real World Data Workforce Development Across the Translational Spectrum

Group Goals

Inventory RWD training needs across stakeholder communities, including: K and T scholars, early career researchers, CTSA and affiliated institutional leadership, local biomedical informatics faculty and staff, and other domain experts including data scientists and clinical practitioners.
Develop a RWD analytics competency framework and make recommendations for how it can be used in a variety of translational contexts and communities.
Inventory RWD educational assets and opportunities across the CTSA program in collaboration with T, K, R25, AMIA, and other programs to increase educational collaboration opportunities and promote higher-quality, accessible RWD training for diverse trainees, contexts, and institutions.
Develop a mature RWD Education Collaboration into a formal governance and coordination structure that welcomes a variety of contributors and users from multiple CTSA affiliated hubs and organizations.

Upcoming Meetings

This group will meet monthly. More information regarding meeting dates, times, agendas, and presenters is coming soon!

Upcoming Meetings

This group will meet monthly. More information regarding meeting dates, times, agendas, and presenters is coming soon!

Contact Information

For more information or to join this Working Group, please contact the CCOS coordinator.

Lenore Roca
Lenore Roca

CCOS Meeting Coordinator

Contact Information

For more information or to join this Working Group, please contact the CCOS coordinator.

Lenore Roca
Lenore Roca

CCOS Meeting Coordinator