CTSA Translational Impacts


The CTSA Translational Impacts Working Group focuses on impact assessment and a broader scope of impact metrics such as clinical and community benefits, legislation and policy, education, economic benefits, infrastructure impacts, team science benefits, and knowledge advancement that can be standardized and synergized across the consortium. This Working Group will build upon the work of the longstanding Translational Sciences Benefits Model Discussion Group to work collaboratively and intentionally on Translational Science Impact (TSI) and contribute to the annual Evaluators Group survey.  

CTSA Translational Impacts


The CTSA Translational Impacts Working Group focuses on impact assessment and a broader scope of impact metrics such as clinical and community benefits, legislation and policy, education, economic benefits, infrastructure impacts, team science benefits, and knowledge advancement that can be standardized and synergized across the consortium. This Working Group will build upon the work of the longstanding Translational Sciences Benefits Model Discussion Group to work collaboratively and intentionally on Translational Science Impact (TSI) and contribute to the annual Evaluators Group survey.  

CTSA Translational Impacts

Group Goals

Establish and reinforce a TSI Community of Practice for CTSA evaluators, administrators, communicators, investigators, trainees and other relevant roles in CTSA hubs.
Develop an impact instrument to assess translational impact efforts across the CTSA hubs and communicate these findings.
Inform, develop, and disseminate evaluation tools, strategies, methods, best practices, and instruments to assess and communicate TSI in Clinical and Translational Science.
Identify Translational Impacts best practices, including standard metrics that can be utilized by CTSA hubs.
Provide a forum to discuss and disseminate translational impacts knowledge while meeting key challenges such as the identification and characterization of translation, overcoming barriers to translate knowledge to impact, and developing effective mechanisms for dissemination and implementation of translational impacts.
Seed future TSI collaborations activities and advance the state of the art in TSI.

Upcoming Meetings

Translational Impacts meets on the third Monday of every month from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM.  If you would like to join the working group please click here to sign up.

Translational Impacts Working Group - 04/17/2025

Monday, April 21, 2025

03:00 PM - 04:00 PM EDT

Translational Impacts Working Group - 04/17/2025

Monday, April 21, 2025

03:00 PM - 04:00 PM EDT

Upcoming Meetings

Translational Impacts meets on the third Monday of every month from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM.  If you would like to join the working group please click here to sign up.

Contact Information

For more information or to join this Working Group, please contact the CCOS coordinator.

Lenore Roca
Lenore Roca

CCOS Meeting Coordinator

Contact Information

For more information or to join this Working Group, please contact the CCOS coordinator.

Lenore Roca
Lenore Roca

CCOS Meeting Coordinator