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July 17, 2024

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Study Finds Experiences of Discrimination Lead to Unhealthy Food Cues

A recent University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) study published in Nature Mental Health finds that exposure to discrimination, as a psychological stressor, contributes to a heightened food-cue response and brain-gut-microbiome changes that promotes unhealthy eating habits. Food cues act as external stimuli that influence responses to food, and food intake.


The study utilized multi-omics analyses and stool samples, which showed that greater discrimination exposure was associated with changes in the brain-gut-microbiome. These changes are associated with increased risk of inflammation and obesity.


UCLA CTSI supported the study, in part, through lead co-author Arpana Gupta's, M.D., Ph.D., CTSI/CURE Pilot and Feasibility award which provided funding for the processing of stool samples. "As a faculty member on soft money in the Department of Medicine, I did not have start up funds to process samples for pilot data," said Dr. Gupta. "CTSI/CURE pilot grant funding allowed me to do this. Not only was I able to get pilot data for a R01 application but this also helped me put out some innovative and high risk high reward papers out that supported my research model…"


Read the full article here.

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Coordination, Communication, and Operations Support (CCOS) is funded by theNational Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health.

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