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July 17, 2024

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Reversing Racism’s Toll on Heart Health

Researchers from Mayo Clinic and the University of Minnesota have published a paper in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, which provides a new framework describing how racism affects heart health among people of color in Minnesota. The researchers are focused on reversing these disparities.


This framework will help scientists explore and measure how chronic exposure to racism, not race, influences health outcomes," says Sean Phelan, Ph.D., a Mayo Clinic health services researcher and senior author of the paper.  "This will help enable researchers to design interventions that address the root causes of these disparities and improve heart health for people of color everywhere."


The researchers are part of the Center for Chronic Disease Reduction and Equity Promotion Across Minnesota (C2DREAM). This research center aims to reduce cardiovascular health disparities in collaboration with Minnesota community leaders and community health organizations…


Read the full article here.

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Coordination, Communication, and Operations Support (CCOS) is funded by theNational Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health.

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