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July 12, 2024

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Georgia CTSA Impactful Research Showcased During Health Services Research Day

Georgia CTSA and Emory Health Services Research Center were excited to host over 140 researchers for the 10th Annual Health Services Research Day at Emory’s Rollins School of Public Health. During this symposium and networking opportunity, researchers across Georgia CTSA learned about ongoing quality, effectiveness, and value-based research activities, showcasing the latest research during featured talks, oral abstracts, and poster sessions.


“What I enjoyed most about our 10th Annual Health Services Research Day was the collaboration across institutions including Emory, Morehouse, University of Georgia (UGA), Georgia Tech, and researchers across Georgia, as well as the variety of excellent presenters from undergraduate students to faculty. Health Services Research Day 2024 represented diversity at its best,” remarks Health Services Research Day Chair Zanthia Wiley, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine, Emory.


Highlights of the featured talks included a compelling lecture, 'Geography, Access, and Health Equity,' by Sandra L. Wong, M.D., M.S., Dean, Emory School of Medicine, Chief Academic Officer, Emory Healthcare…


Read the full article here.

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Coordination, Communication, and Operations Support (CCOS) is funded by theNational Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health.

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