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2024 LHS Collaborative Workshop Evaluation Report


CTSA Program Meetings




May 22, 2024

Last Updated

July 22, 2024


Completed Project with Published Results

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To characterize the experience of registered attendees of the Learning Health Systems (LHS) Collaborative Workshop.

Executive Summary

The LHS Collaborative Workshop was held on May 22, 2024, at the Sanger Heart and Vascular Institute in Charlotte, North Carolina. The workshop was co-hosted by CCOS and by Wake Forest CTSI and Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Personnel from CTSA Program hubs and partnering institutions with active grants1 were eligible to attend.

The LHS Collaborative Workshop was meant to bring together CTSA program representatives, researchers, clinicians, healthcare innovators, policymakers, and other healthcare professionals to generate new ideas, meet new collaborators, and plan future actions.

On May 23, 2024, Collaborative Workshop registrants were emailed a unique online survey link via REDCap to complete the LHS Collaborative Workshop Post-Event Survey evaluation. Up to two follow-up reminder emails were sent to individuals who had not responded.

Survey questions addressed meeting objectives, logistics, and expectations, as well as satisfaction with the overall meeting. The survey question format included ratings and open-ended questions.

The goal of this evaluation was to characterize meeting attendee experiences to help in planning future meetings, as well as conform to the requirements for offering Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits for meeting attendees.


Overall, the response rate was high and the feedback received about the LHS Collaborative Workshop was positive with an overall median rating of 9.0 out of 10.

Most respondents either agreed or strongly agreed that the meeting’s two objectives were achieved. 92% of respondents (N= 54) agreed or strongly agreed that the first objective (to identify resources already in place within the CTSA Program) was met. 83% of respondents (N= 48) agreed or strongly agreed that the second meeting objective (to recognize the best business practices, models, and tools available, as well as how to access them) was also met.


Results: 21 Questions

1. The Collaborative Workshop covered topics I found valuable

2. The Collaborative Workshop introduced me to new ideas, resources, or content

3. The Collaborative Workshop met my expectations

4. There was adequate networking time allotted

5. Objective 1: Identify resources already in place within the CTSA Program

6. Objective 2: Recognize the best business practices, models, tools available and how to access them

7. This activity increased my knowledge.

8. This activity will increase my competence.

9. This activity will improve my patient outcomes.

10. Do you feel this activity was free of commercial bias or influence?

11. Do you feel the content of this activity was evidence based?

12. Satisfaction with Registration Process

13. Satisfaction with Collaborative Workshop location

14. Satisfaction with Collaborative Workshop facilities

15. Please rate the Collaborative Workshop overall

16. Did you make new connections at this Collaborative Workshop?

17. Please list examples of the type of connections (e.g., academic institution, CTSA Program hub, community organization, government agency)

18. Which of these actions do you intend to pursue as a result of the Collaborative Workshop? (Select all that apply)

19. What aspects of this Collaborative Workshop were particularly helpful?

20. What aspects of future Collaborative Workshops would you change?

21. Please provide any additional feedback below

Coordination, Communication, and Operations Support (CCOS) is funded by theNational Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health.

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